Peter Rubatscher
Peter Rubatscher
Fellow: Peter Rubatscher
Home Institution: Johannes Kepler Universität
Host Institution: Colorado School of Mines
Topic: Innovating Aerial Videography with Natural Language Instructions
I have had a great time so far at the Colorado School of Mines. The project I am working on at the NAPPLAB focuses on innovating aerial sports videography using natural language instructions. At the moment, I am working on object tracking with drones in a lab setting and hope to soon begin integrating LLM-based control. This project has been a lot of fun, and being part of a relatively new lab has been exciting, especially as I learn from how things are coming together. I have met fantastic people to collaborate with, who have also become great friends. My stay in Golden has been wonderful. I have enjoyed participating in campus events and exploring the beautiful outdoors of Colorado.
Peter Rubatscher's workspace in Colorado