
Europa und USA-
Das transatlantische Verhältnis auf dem Prüfstand

by Patrick Horvath, Wolfgang Petritsch

From the publisher (German)

Die Absicht des vorliegenden Bandes ist es, den gegenwärtigen Stand und Zustand der Beziehungen zwischen Europa und den USA gewissermaßen einer Neubewertung zu unterziehen – unabhängig vom Ausgang der US-Wahlen.

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Mountain Battery-
The Alps, Water, and Power in the Fossil Fuel Age

by Marc Landry
Director, Austrian Marshall Plan center for European Studies

Stanford University Press
January 2025
314 Pages

The Marshallplan

Guenter Bischof and Hans Petschar, 2017

Regional Economic Development Compared: EU-Europe and the American South

Guenter Bischof, (ed.), 2014
Edited Volume Series
Innsbruck University Press

Expert Commissions and Migration Policy Making

Migration Letters, Vol. 11, Issue 2, January 2014
Guest-edited by Philip Martin and Eugen Stark
ISSN: 1741-8984

Looming Shadows

Edited by Vedran Dzhic and Thomas Schmidinger
Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins U.-SAIS (January 12, 2012)
ISBN: 978-0-9841341-8-2  

Open Ukraine

Edited by Taras Kuzio and Daniel Hamilton
Center for Transatlantic Relations (12. Januar 2012)
ISBN: 978-0984854424

Migration and Development. Comparing Mexico-US and Turkey-Europe.

Edited by Philip L. Martin and Eugen Stark.
Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2012. ISSN 1741 8984

The New Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. Daniel Hamilton and Gerhard Mangott. Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University; Vienna: Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, 2007. ISBN 978-0-978-88213-6

The Wider Black Sea Region in the 21st Century: Strategic,
Economic and Energy Perspectives.

Ed. by Daniel Hamilton and Gerhard Mangott. Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University; Vienna:Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, 2008. ISBN 978-0-980-1871-3-7

Im Labor der Niederlagen.
Konkurspolitik im internationalen Vergleich. Stiefel, Dieter:Wien: Böhlau, 2008. ISBN 978-3-205-77769-4

The European Economy in an American Mirror.

Ed. by Barry Eichengreen, Michael Landesmann and Dieter Stiefel. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2008. ISBN 978-0-415-77172-6

Images of the Marshall Plan in Europe. Films, Photographs, Exhibits, Posters.
Ed. by Günter Bischof and Dieter Stiefel. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag, 2009. ISBN 978-3-7065-4826-7 (=Transatlantica vol. 3)

>> Visit the book companion web site

Images of the Marshall Plan in Europe. Films, Photographs, Exhibits, Posters.

Ed. by Günter Bischof and Dieter Stiefel. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag, 2009. ISBN 978-3-7065-4826-7 (=Transatlantica vol. 3)

>> Visit the book companion web site