Event on Scientific Scepticism

Interactive Discussion:
“Scientific scepticism: the dangers of political instrumentalization and how trust in science and research can be restored”

When: October 22, 2024, 6:00 PM CET
Where: Austrian-American Society, Stallburggasse 2, 1010 Vienna.

Questioning or rejecting scientific findings or research results - this attitude can have various causes, such as a lack of trust in institutions, personal convictions or a lack of understanding of scientific methods. Scientific skepticism is a challenge for society as it can hinder scientific progress and the development of sound policy decisions. It often occurs in areas such as climate change, or vaccination and genetic engineering, and shows how deeply rooted this attitude is in parts of the population. It carries the risk of scientific findings being politically instrumentalized and presents experts with the challenge of restoring trust in science and research through targeted communication strategies.

Our high-caliber panel will discuss this:

Elisabeth Nemeth, Vienna Circle Society
Stefan Radel, Wilhelm Exner Foundation
Eva Schernhammer, Medical University of Vienna, live from the USA
Peter Klimek, Complexity Science Hub

The evening will be hosted by Walter Hämmerle, head of the domestic politics section of the Kleine Zeitung.

We are delighted to invite you to this exclusive event. Places are limited, so please register quickly if you are interested. You will then receive written confirmation from us (“First come - First serve”). We look forward to an exciting evening together.

The event will start on time and will be streamed live via www.kleinezeitung.at, as well as on the ÖAG Zoom and on our YouTube channel.


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